What exactly is ArrayList.org?
ArrayList is a simple list database in the cloud. You can use it for storing things like form submissions, email-subscription forms or make a AJAX/REST call to store values in the list.
You don’t need to setup a database for such simple storage requirements.
One good UseCase is email-subscribers list.
Imagine you have a simple static website with an email-subscription option. You can set the HTML Form Action value to List URL to store all form submissions.
How to use ArrayList with Form Submision?
<form method="post" action="https://**api.arraylist.org/add/{list-id}**">
<input type="text" name="email">
<input type="submit" value="Subscribe">
How to save using GET?
How to save using POST ?
// Using Axios
axios.post('<https://api.arraylist.org/add/{list-id}>', {
firstName: 'Bose',
lastName: 'Satyendra',
field: 'Physics'
Most important point.
How many list items can each list store?